Site Introduction
Welcome to!
This site was originally designed as a replacement for the tech pastebin, but aims to centralize the collective Dustforce knowledge in a single spot!
The site is currently in development and can be contributed to on Github: gonX/dustforce-wiki
Everyone is welcome to contribute, and we’re at the point where any content is better than no content - however please read before submitting a pull request. Contributing unfortunately requires a Github account.
If you aren’t already, using Dustmod is highly recommended!
As this is more of an information center rather than a guide to the game, we highly suggest that you read czyys’ Dustforce guide which is linked in the list below.
- Leaderboards:
- Custom maps:
- Dustmod:
- Speedruns:
- Reddit: /r/dustforce/
- czyys’ Guide: czyys/dustforceguide
Dustmod is a drop-in replacement mod designed to enhance the original Dustforce experience, both in terms of performance, usability, as well as visuals.
A significant amount of newer custom maps use elements that are only available in Dustmod.
Some features include:
- Extended configuration options
- Extended leaderboard filtering
- Daily featured custom level
- Online multiplayer (2-4 players)
- Additional community nexuses (maps technically individually available on atlas without Dustmod)
- Replay ghosts
- Plugin framework
- Save file management
- Extended DirectX 12 and OpenGL support (Vanilla is DX9)
- TAS tools
Dustmod is closed source software created and maintained by msg555 with the original Dustforce DX source code provided pro bono by Hitbox Team.
For more information, please see
Point values on Atlas
On the official custom map hub, Atlas, the point system (which dictate your displayed “rank” on your Atlas profile page) are as follows:
- Making an account: 100
- Voting on a map: 10
- Commenting on a map: 40 (labelled as “answers”. Only includes top-level comments, not replies)
Replying to a comment: 0
- Making a map: 300 (labelled as “questions”. Does not include hidden maps)
- Receiving an “upvote”: 30 (3-5 hearts)
- Receiving a “downvote”: -10 (1-2 hearts)
(note, it seems possible to have received votes without having any maps. may be votes on hidden maps?)
Daily Algorithm
msg555 reports this on the Daily algorithm:
The pool of levels is all maps (visible or not) on Atlas that are not part of the CMP and have not been the daily before. It picks 5 maps uniformly at random from that set and chooses the one that has the most SSes. There’s nothing preventing a map with 0 SSes from being chosen.
Why do replays sometimes get a negative replay ID?
Negative IDs occur when using Dustmod and the replay wouldn’t have been saved by the vanilla client.
Examples include early exits and completions that aren’t PB’s.
Mechanics / Tech
Basic Game Mechanics
The basics of the game are that you have 4 directional keys for movement, a Dash, Jump, and a Light attack, and Heavy attack button.
Dust on surfaces act as collectibles that we must route to gather along our way.
Characters can jump or dash once in midair, downdash to rapidly begin falling, run up walls briefly, climb over ledges, jump and dash off of walls, slide or run along ceilings and slide on slopes.
Once your combo meter reaches 100, your character has charged up a “special attack” (aka super) which cleans dust on surfaces within line of sight, dustblocks and enemies around you in a limited range. (see Super)
Routing where to use Super(s) is one of the primary considerations we had to make when optimizing a level.
Your attacks are multi purpose, both serving as combat tools for enemies, as extra reach for cleaning dust on surfaces, and as a mobility tool. Hitting an enemy or Dustblock in midair cancels your fall, and fully cleaning an enemy restores your aircharges allowing you to air-jump or air-dash again.
There are two types of attacks, with heavy attacks dealing 3 times as much damage and hitting a larger area, but their startup time is much longer and they can’t be chained as easily into followup attacks.
Additionally, enemies cleaned by a heavy attack as the final blow will spread dust on nearby surfaces based on the attack direction.
Your attacks can differ when performed in the air or on the ground, and different versions of the attack will be performed depending on your directional keys.
Each attack applies some time dilation only for the player (game time continues normally), and hitting enemies causes hitstop, thus to maximize time, it is almost always better to hit as many enemies in as few attacks as possible, including using the knockback of an attack to push an enemy towards another enemy to hit them both.
The 4 characters do have mechanical differences, and they greatly affect our choice for which is used at which points in the TAS. Their attack hitbox differences are shown to exact scale in this album (This album is for attacks on enemies only. Attacks on dustblocks and to clean dust on surfaces have some variable range based on the quadrant you are located in etc. The general sizes and shapes are still roughly what is shown in the album)
insert link to #hitboxes here
Gaining speed via impacting level geometry (groundboost, slopeboost, etc.) or abusing other mechanics (airdash boost/ADB, magnet hijack boost/MHB, etc.)
See Boosting
Light, Heavy
The two strengths of attack available to each character.
See Attacks in the Advanced section.
The wide-area special attack usable only after the combo meter reaches 100.
See Supers
Empty Super
A fast super hitting no enemies, used to clean only surfaces and dustblocks.
See Empty super in the Supers card.
Seam attacks
Attacks can sometimes clean or spread dust via the “seam” between adjacent blocks.
See Seam Attacks
Time dilation
The way supers and attack startup slow the relative timescale for the player.
See Time Dilation in the Attacks card.
Time manipulation
Taking advantage of how time dilation subtly changes movement.
See Time Dilation in the Attacks card.
Air downlights are automatically aborted shortly after landing on the ground.
This is briefly covered in the Dash Rhythm section of the Dashes card.
Early exit
Menuing and selecting “exit level” before the level finishes, but late enough that the level end triggers during the fadeout.
See Early Exit
Mouse exit
When exiting a level, clicking “yes” rather than navigating with the keyboard or controller sends the player directly back to the Main Nexus.
Entity (ie. enemy) positions are calculated from when the entity was last loaded, which is indirectly influenced by the path (and time) taken through the level.
The counter tracking how many times a character can jump or dash in midair.
This is covered in the stats for the characters, but briefly put, all characters except Dustkid only has 1 air charge.
Air dashjump
A simultaneous dash and jump in the air with only one aircharge.
The game nudges the player up/down when approaching a corner from the side
See Ledge Clips
An instant startup ground jump from slope slide state.
A safe jump off of 45 degree spikes.
Grabbing a wall for one frame or less to clean dust or reset x speed while falling.
Related reading would be Wall Grab in the Walls card.
Unrelated to actual Supers, this is the technique used for quickly cleaning dust (using light attacks) while falling at high speeds.
Left friction
An unintentional programming oversight causes air friction to be much more intense when travelling left.
See Air Friction
Avoiding friction by delaying a wallrun after dashing from a slope up a wall.
See Updashing in the Expert section.
Extended ceiling run/slide
The player can briefly remain in ceiling slide state mid-air after the ceiling ends.
See Ceiling Grab
Air walljump
After grabbing and sliding off a wall, the player can still walljump in midair.
See Air Walljump
Infinite walljump
Left friction allows for repeated jumps off left-facing overhanging walls.
Walljumping and regrabbing the same wall by jumping at the point where it transfers from vertical to an overhanging slant.
A small area near the edge of a spiked surface which can be touched safely.
See Jorfs
Mapler Slide
A technique to extend ceiling runs to retain speed for longer and/or travel farther.
See Mapler Slides
A technique to gain great horizontal speed by falling next to a right-facing slanted wall.
See Droofs
A technique to rapidly turn around or gain a small amount of speed on a slope.
Technique used to dash on a slope but cancel the dash immediately.
See Slopesurfing
A tech that enters the wrong state when jumping, allowing an earlier wallrun.
See Raiserunning
Certain configurations of geometry allow the player to pass through solid walls.
Jumping or dashing mid-air will “magnet” you to walls up to 42 horizontal units away (almost a full tile).
This is often negatively experienced for the first time for many players in Backup Shift (TODO: earlier levels?) However, it can also be used for positive effect as is often seen in the Walls (last) section of Giga Difficult.
When you damage (or kill) an enemy with an attack, your character rises ever so slightly.
This is often negatively experienced for the first time for many players in Mega Difficult.
See Hitrise
Surface Boosting
When a character hits a surface, they lose some portion of their speed based on their angle of incidence as shown below, and the rest of their speed is converted to line up parallel with the surface they’ve run into.
This is used most frequently to convert falling speed into ground speed (referred to as Groundboosting for flat ground and Slant- or Slopeboosting when taking advantage of advantageous ground angles), but also applies to collisions with walls and ceilings.
Corner/Ceiling Boost
Boosting on a slanted or sloped ceiling by walljumping at the point where the wall and ceiling meet is often referred to as a “Corner Boost” and is a reliable way to get a fast ceiling boost.
When jumping from a overhanging slanted wall, the extra horizontal speed makes for an even faster boost. This is known as an “Access boost” (named after the stock map, Access).
Even without an advantageous slope it’s possible to get a boost on a ceiling, but the fact that you need to be moving upward rather than downward means that these sorts of Ceilingboosts generally aren’t as significant as other boosts, as the amount of upward speed we can get is usually very limited.
Wall Boost
The most common kind of Wallboost is when transferring a ground speed boost into a wall with the help of a slope or a slanted wall.
However, when jumping into a wall, jump timing and the resultant angle you hit the wall at can have a dramatic effect on your upward speed after the collision. Occasionally, it’s even possible to get a downward Wallboost when trying to fall quickly.
Parallel Boost / Fitboost
Lastly, though most boosts center around converting a high amount of speed in one direction into less speed in a more useful direction (e.g. fall speed to sideways speed), it’s also possible to get a “boost” by aligning your movement as closely as possible with a surface.
For example, if jumping upward at a 45 degree angle toward a 45 degree upward slope, it’s possible to land with a near-0 degree angle of incidence, keeping almost all of your total speed.
Once the ground levels out, this converts to about a 40% increase in horizontal speed.
When Ground-, Slant- or Slopeboosting, it’s sometimes possible to fall slightly past the surface in question and gain extra falling speed, then ledgeclip up onto it for a better speed boost than you’d normally be able to get from your initial height.
Ceiling Grab
Also known as “Ceiling Cling” or “Neutral Ceiling Run”
The first 10 frames are frictionless, allowing full speed conservation, this is increased to 15 frames as normal Dustman as mentioned in Dustman
Once friction has started to apply, releasing from the ceiling has a 10 frame delay, this occurs regardless of the ceiling tiles ending, so can be extended into midair, this is known as an “extended ceiling run/slide” or previously “air extended ceiling slide”.
Notably this ceiling run friction is frequently a smaller penalty to your speed than leftward air friction or, if travelling at an upward angle, gravity, so it is still intentionally used and saves time occasionally.
Ceiling Run
Started by holding up and forward. You can only ceiling run in the direction you already have velocity, so e.g. holding up and left will leave you in Ceiling Grab state if you have no sideways velocity or X velocity toward the right.
Sets you to 522 (all characters’ run speed) if your speed is less, and is frictionless for the first 20 frames.
Same rules for releasing the ceiling apply as with Ceiling Grab state. Air Ceiling Slides can be performed after either state so long as friction was applying.
An advanced technique to preserve speed is by combining the frictionless frames of a ceiling grab together with the frictionless frames of a ceiling run.
This is called a Mapler slide
When you dash, first your speed is converted to horizontal (possibly with some loss) if in midair, then if your speed is below your character’s dash speed it is increased to that value.
After these conversions occur, your velocity is locked in (barring collisions with surfaces) for the duration of the dash (12.5 frames, which due to subframe counts rounds up to 12 frames and 3 subframes under normal circumstances).
Dash Rhythm
When your character has a boost, dashing to lock the speed value is very important. Dash inputs will buffer for the remainder of the frame on which the input is sent.
Due to the input buffering, this allows a new dash to begin directly after the previous dash ends, even when that occurs on a subframe that normally does not accept inputs.
This is what we call “perfect dash rhythm” and results in a repeating sequence of 5 dashes.
This rhythm normally follows a 12-13-12-13-13 pattern due to the three subframes of spillover each dash.
If your dash input is processed on the first subframe, your dash will always begin at the beginning of the sequence.
If your dash input is buffered, you can start anywhere in the sequence, based on what subframe the dash started.
When you have an available air charge to use, buffering a ground dash is normally only possible if you would land within one subframe, as otherwise an airdash to occur.
If it’s not possible to buffer a dash or precisely time your landing, you may undergo up to 4 subframes of landing state friction before you can dash, significantly reducing your speed, though this can sometimes be reduced to 1 subframe through use of a land-canceled downlight. This means buffered or timed dashes are usually much preferred for keeping maximum speed.
Aerial Dash Boosting
When dashing in midair, if your speed vector angle before the dash is within 18 degrees of horizontal, in either direction, 100% of your total speed is transferred into the dash, giving you a horizontal speed boost.
This is known as Aerial Dash Boosting. When outside of this 18 degree range, you still keep a portion of your speed (1-[change in angle]/90°)
so it’s still possible to airdash faster than normal dash speed when travelling at a sharp angle, but a significant amount of speed will be lost.
Touching a deathzone will cause you to respawn on your last checkpoint, if any, after FILLME frames.
If an enemy touches a deathzone, they get removed and the end result is the same as if you cleaned them.
(TODO: talk about Moon Temple any% checkpoint/deathzone thingy)
Air Friction
Applies when X speed is over 522, adjusts your speed based on how far away your X speed is from POSITIVE 522.
This results in significantly stronger speed penalties when moving left (at negative values greater than 522).
Ground Friction
Does not have the same left vs right issue that air friction has (thankfully)
Still applies when speed is over 522
Ground Jump
When not in slopeslide state, a ground jump has 7.5 frames (rounding up to 7 frames and 3 subframes, like with dashes) of startup.
This startup will end immediately if the player would become airborne, leading to a “ledgejump.”
If the player is still holding jump when jump startup completes, the player gets a “fulljump,” if not then a “shorthop” will occur.
A shorthop normally gets slightly less initial upward velocity, and experiences significantly more gravity during the rising part of the jump.
At the start of the jump, your upward velocity is increased to your character’s jump velocity if it is less. However, if you already have more upward velocity (almost always because of a significant speed boost which you have transfered to an upward ramp), then you will instead keep your current Y velocity, even in the case of a shorthop.
When jumping from the ground, your total speed is converted to X velocity in the direction of the jump, then capped based on your new Y velocity.
This means that when travelling up or down slopes, you may gain some X speed because you no longer have the angle of the ground working against you, and when turning around as you jump you can keep most of your speed in the opposite direction.
However, friction during jump crouch will significantly reduce your speed, and the speed cap usually limits horizontal velocity to not much above dash speed (exactly how fast depends on your character’s initial jump velocity), even if you were previously going much faster.
In the case of a “ledgejump,” however, the jump doesn’t consume an aircharge, but uses the airjump rules for X velocity. (See below.)
You must wait 5 frames after a jump before you can jump or dash, and must wait 10 frames before you can enter a Wall Grab state.
Air Jump
A jump performed in midair has no jumpsquat or startup delay, and thus occurs instantly.
As such, jumps in midair cannot be a shorthop and will always give the same height as a fulljump.
At the start of an air jump, your Y velocity is set (or left alone) using the same rules as with ground jumps, above. However, your X velocity is set according to what direction you’re pressing:
- If pressing neither left nor right and your X velocity is between positive and negative 300, it’s immediately set to 0. Otherwise, it’s left at its current value.
- If pressing a direction, then your X velocity is set to a minimum of 300 in that direction if it’s less (or in the opposite direction) – If it’s already 300 or greater in the appropriate direction, then it’s left at its current value.
Aerial Dash Jumping (Air Dashjump)
The super takes a variable amount of time depending on the number of enemies it hits.
Generally, the amount of time one enemy adds is fairly small, so you need to be cleaning several enemies per attack to make it worth using heavy attacks to reduce the number of enemies a super will hit.
However, there’s a base amount of time that a super takes, and this base amount is doubled if the super hits at least one enemy.
Empty super
In the case where a super is primarily being used to clean surface dust or dustblocks, the super will come out much faster if it’s not hitting any enemies.
Enemy hitrange is a square
Dustblock hitrange is a circle
Dust-on-Surface hitrange is a circle requiring Line Of Sight (same circle as dustblocks?)
Other Properties
Grants Hitrise upon coming out of the Super
Applies time dilation during startup (expand on this more if we know more about it exactly)
Boosts can be preserved through a super, Including reversing the boost.
Attack Time
The attack time of a super depends whether you will be hitting enemies with it or not.
An empty Super has a attack time of 22f
A super which hits enemies has a base attack time of 36.3f
with each target adding an additional 7.7f
. Time is rounded up to the nearest subframe.
Wall Grab
Grabbing a Wall can actually be used to cancel several different states, most notably dashes and attack recovery.
Walls can be used to cancel heavy attack recovery or perform a followup attack in a normally disallowed direction (seen on Dahlia and Archive), cancel aerial dashes to immediately let you downdash (seen on Titan), and cancel hitrise out of attacks that hit enemies (seen on Exa Difficult and Yotta Difficult).
Wall Grab itself may be canceled immediately by simply pressing away from the wall.
When you do so, if you have downward Y velocity and are not holding down, your Y velocity is set to 0. If you have upward Y velocity or are holding down, you keep your current Y velocity.
Wall Run
Initiated by pressing up during a wall grab, wall runs immediately set your speed to 522 in the direction of the wall if it is less.
During the first 21 frames speed decays linearly, after which it begins a significantly faster logarithmic decay.
Unlike Wall Grab, Wall Run cannot be canceled by pressing away from the wall, only by walljumping, walldashing, or reaching the ledge or ceiling at the top of the wall.
Wall Slide
When touching towards a wall, you can slide down it, most frequently done via “Wall Tapping” the wall while falling, or simply by sliding down a long slanted wall such as in the ending of Archive.
Speed of the wall slide will vary based on character, directional inputs, and the angle of the wall.
Wall Jump
Has 5 frames of startup before jumping off of the wall, these can be edge cancelled however, which is usually done at the top of a wall as we are wallrunning up it, and very occasionally at the bottom of a wall as we fall past it.
These give you the same height of a regular grounded or aerial jump, but usually give you only 348 horizontal speed and radically limit your air control until the peak of your jump.
When jumping off an overhanging slanted wall, however, you receive significantly more horizontal speed, actually slightly over dash speed..
If the player is close enough to a wall when inputting a jump in midair, they will be immediately pulled over to the wall and start a walljump instead of an airjump.
This can be used to save some time by walljumping before actually reaching the wall, but can also be fatal if the nearby wall has spikes on it.
When performing an “early” walljump like this, if the player has upward velocity in the air and is holding up and toward the wall, the player will actually get some slight upward speed during the beginning of the walljump startup, as they would if they started a wallrun immediately before walljumping.
Walljumps have no startup when performed from “wall grab idle” state, but reaching that state requires hanging on a wall for so long this is almost never useful.
If you’re jumping off a left-facing slant wall you may be able to walljump “infinitely”. See Infinite Walljump
Wall Dash
Has 5 frames of startup before releasing from the wall, these can be edge cancelled however, though it is rare to be able to do so.
If you also have an air charge to use, you can wall dash and then airjump to jump with significantly higher speed than most walljumps would grant you, at the cost of an aircharge of course.
However, during the very beginning of this dash, you’re still close enough to the wall to be able to walljump off of it, cancelling your dash and returning you to the wall.
As with a walljump, walldashes can be performed when only near a wall, but unlike a walljump, walldashes cannot be performed while holding toward the wall, only with a neutral or away horizontal direction input.
As with walljumps, walldashes have no startup from “wall grab idle” state, but this basically never useful.
Aerial Dash Jumping
While in hover state, which begins in the air when a character no longer has upward velocity and ends when falling faster than a certain speed, the order in which inputs are checked allows the player to both dash and jump on the same frame in the air, even if the player has only one aircharge.
In this case, the dash is applied, setting the player’s horizontal speed to dash velocity, then the jump is applied, immediately cancelling the dash and giving the player the vertical velocity of a jump.
This allows the player to gain significant horizontal speed in the air without sacrificing the ability to airjump (or, in the case of Dustkid, airjump twice). These are very useful when wanting to change movement direction in midair while also needing to jump.
As with normal airdashes, a speed conversion is applied at the start so it’s also possible to get an Airdash Boost when performing an Aerial Dashjump, which is known as an Aerial Dashjump Boost.
However, since the dash state is immediately canceled, the speed will not be locked in as it would be with a normal Airdash Boost.
Air Walljump
An interesting oversight in the code means that if you grab a wall with vertical speed, and then your vertical speed carries you off the top of the wall without wallrunning, you can store the ability to walljump in midair, with no wall nearby.
This stored ability to walljump only lasts while you remain in the “raise” state, so once your vertical speed hits 0, you can no longer walljump in midair. This is used only once in the entire run.
Attacks have 3 phases, startup (aka windup), hit, and recovery.
Light and Heavy attacks have three possible angles: Up, Down, or Neutral.
At the beginning of attack startup, the attack’s direction, either in terms of left/right or up/down, can be changed via directional inputs.
The period where these changes can occur lasts 2 frames for light attacks, 4 frames for vertical direction changes to heavy attacks, and 8 frames for horizontal direction changes to heavy attacks.
Once the player has attacked “behind” them, their attack facing cannot be changed again, even in followup attacks, until they’ve completely recovered from attacking.
In order to attack “forward,” they must either wait to completely finish attack recovery, or cancel recovery with an action other than attack (such as grabbing a wall or jumping).
(TODO: merge with basics?)
Time Dilation
During attack startup, the character’s time rate is adjusted such that they move and accelerate less during each subframe, as though time was moving slower for them.
This is referred to as “Time Dilation.”
Only 70% as much time passes for the player during light attack windup, and 2/3rds as much time passes during heavy attack windup (except for Kid, whose heavy attacks still dilate time at the 70% rate).
During this time, shifts in subframe boundaries and the granular nature of movement/acceleration calculations can produce a slightly different end result in movement that should theoretically just be the same movement but iterated through more slowly.
Taking advantage of these calculation differences to produce a more favorable result is referred to as “Time Manipulation,” but this is done fairly rarely since the Time Dilation itself will always have a time cost.
Notably, attack startup on the ground forces the character into idle state, which has stronger friction than even holding opposite to your current movement direction, and thus allows you to slow down more quickly.
Idle state also allows the character to open doors while still moving.
One exception is on a ground slope, where holding down will keep the character in slopeslide state rather than idle state, which is preferable when high friction is not a desired effect of the attack.
At the end of startup, the attack makes a single check to see what the attack hits, with no lingering hitbox.
When an attack connects with enemies, if the character is in midair, their upward velocity will be increased to a certain minimum if it is less.
This slight upward nudge is referred to as Hitrise
When the player hits dustblocks in midair, they don’t get an upward nudge but their vertical velocity will be set to 0 if they were travelling downward.
When an attack hits an enemy or dustblocks, the character (and the targets in the case of enemies) will be “frozen in time” for a period of time based on the attack and what was being hit.
This is referred to as “hitstop,” and it lasts 1 frame for hits on dustblocks, and 2.5 or 7.5 frames (0.5 rounding up to 3 subframes as with dashes) respectively for light and heavy attacks on enemies.
This hitstop begins one frame after the character detects that the attack has finished, so there’s usually one frame when the player can input actions that cannot be performed during attack startup (e.g. ground dashes) but before hitstop occurs.
Hitstop will still apply afterward as normal, but in particular it is often highly favorable to dash immediately upon an attack connecting to minimize time spent outside of dash state, and sometimes to convert the hitrise to forward speed via an Airdash Boost.
This concept is demonstrated in the top replays of the Atlas map taskid by fishmcmuffins
Iteration Order of Attacks
Though the attack will hit enemies after a consistent amount of time, the character will react to the hit having completed (and clean surface dust) dependent on the Iteration Order of the attack hitbox in comparison to your character.
This can sometimes be manipulated favorably via Iteration Boundaries.
While it’s unlikely, iteration order can occasionally cause dust that would otherwise be cleaned by an attack to be iterated after the level completion (e.g. hitting the enemy), resulting in A completion where S completion would have been expected. This is demonstrated in this replay by gonX of the Atlas map Big Metal Shaft by Kuitar
Attack Recovery
Attack Recovery can be cancelled via jumps, dashes or grabbing a wall. This is Known as Heavy Cancelling, or Light Cancelling.
Cancelling recovery used on nearly every single attack in the entire TAS.
Light or Heavy attacks can be completely canceled during startup with a walldash or super attack input, and downward-angled aerial Light attacks are cancelled by landing on the ground.
Cancelling attack startup with a super input can be useful for time manipulation and positioning, and cancelling light startup by landing can be helpful to buffer certain ground actions from the air, though a light attack canceled in this way always results in at least one subframe of “land” state which has fairly unfavorable friction properties.
Also known as Ceiling Bonking and Head Bonking.
Hitting your head on a ceiling without clinging to the ceiling, is useful when the ceiling is close to your current height, as you can jump cancel and downdash sooner than a dash cancel would allow.
Ceiling boosts can be achieved without clinging to the ceiling, meaning in many circumstances it’s best to just briefly bonk the ceiling to get a small ceiling boost rather than having to actually grab the ceiling.
Walls and ceilings in this game have a “sticky” property where coming in contact with them makes it a little difficult to move away from them until the character grabs then releases the surface.
In some situations this can be problematic, but it can be used to gain speed in certain situations.
When your character gets stuck to a wall but hasn’t actually grabbed it, they remain in the appropriate airborne state (jump, raise, hover or fall) and are affected by gravity as normal, but their left/right motion is forced to remain in line with the wall in question.
For overhanging slanted walls, this can actually give the player great horizontal speed as the character falls as per normal, but is pulled along sideways by the stickiness of the wall above them.
For somewhat arcane reasons, this maneuver is known as a Droof.
It is not possible to droof on leftward slants.
Magnet Hijack Boost
At the exact moment that a ceiling changes angle, your character’s speed will be angled to line up with the new angle of a ceiling.
If simultaneous to this your character does something that makes their movement not line up with the angle of the ceiling, this will be overridden.
In particular, if your character downdashes, giving them significant downward velocity, precisely at a corner on a ceiling, their new speed including the velocity of the downdash will be calculated then angled to line up with the ceiling.
This gives a significant speed boost, often at an upward angle, without requiring use of an aircharge.
Taking advantage of MHBs requires fairly specific ceiling geometry, but when possible it can quickly generate high speeds in situations where that would otherwise be impossible without the use of an aircharge.
The same magnetic sticky phenomenon used for MHB’s is also how Zetta Slopes work.
Early Exit
If we finish the level during level exit fadeout, we still receive credit for completing the level.
This will be done on nearly every level in the game, as it both starts the fadeout as soon as possible (usually saving 18 frames per level) and skips the extremely slow score screen.
Early exits do place some restrictions on what actions can be done during fadeout and sometimes a slower IGT is gotten as a result of saving real time from allowing a sooner early exit.
Infinite Walljump
One reason for the extra horizontal speed when jumping off an overhanging slanted wall is to push the player further away from the wall to prevent them from repeatedly walljumping off the same wall.
However, with left-facing overhanging slant walls, left air friction rapidly reduces that speed below 522, so all characters other than dustkid will still be close enough to the wall to walljump again after the 5 frames during which you can’t jump or dash at the beginning of a jump.
This process can be repeated indefinitely as long as the slanted wall continues, though having to repeatedly undergo jump startup means it usually isn’t very fast.
Ledge Cancels
Whenever we climb over the top of a wall, we can avoid spending a lot of time floating above the ground by ledge canceling (downdash -> dash). This is one of the few uses for Double Tap Dash as the operation (down -> down -> dash) is easier than (down+dash -> dash).
A Mantle is another form for ledge canceling, but it requires an aircharge.
By dashing at ground height (within 4(?) frames of leaving wallclimb) we are on the ground down to 1(?) frame faster than a normal ledge cancel. However, there are often better uses for an aircharge prior to the wallclimb.
Ledge Climb
When wallrunning, if you reach the top of the wall you will climb over the ledge and enter a special hover state.
Your Y value is modified through a special separate variable so that you are still able to downdash and dashjump while moving upwards, which is normally not possible.
Ledgeclimbs are nearly always cancelled via Mantling or Ledge Cancelling.
They are rarely useful to gain a small amount of additional height for an attack or before Aerial Dashjumping.
Ledge Clips
The corners of ledges are not completely solid, and can be clipped into and used to push yourself upwards or downwards slightly by doing so.
These are abused in various ways: to gain a small amount of extra height, to airjump/dash slightly earlier than should be possible when falling past a ceiling, to get extra falling speed or better align certain boosts, etc.
Ledgeclipping is sometimes important to avoid or delay, however, since when ledgeclipping up to a higher ledge than you technically should be able to reach, you retain your velocity when the ledgeclip bumps you upward, which can actually delay the time you can land on that ledge as you get stuck in hover.
Seam Attacks
Normally, attacks on surface dust are blocked by impeding walls.
The direction of the attack matters for this check, so a downward attack can clean dust on the far side of a wall as long as the attack isn’t blocked by a ceiling above it, but a side attack won’t normally be able to clean dust on the far side of a wall.
However, under certain circumstances, it’s possible for the line-of-sight calculations performed to squeeze through the seams between adjacent tiles and clean some dust on the far side.
This only works when the relevant coordinates are negative (e.g. if Y coordinates are negative, there’s a slight gap between vertically adjacent tiles), but by lining up attacks this way it’s sometimes possible to reach dust much further away than would normally be possible, since a side heavy attack or a super will have much more horizontal reach than the up/down heavy which you would normally need to use to clean dust on the other side of a wall.
Also applies to Dust Spreading in rare cases, which causes dust to spread in an unreachable location through a wall, as demonstrated by Fishy in this Store Room (AS) replay.
TODO: insert example screenshot of seam attack
Slope and Spike jumps
As vaguely mentioned in Ground Jump, a jump from slopeslide state has no startup. As such it can never be a shorthop.
It is also a grounded jump, so X speed conversion happens as with other ground jumps.
Spike Jumps
Notably, it’s possible to transition from hover or fall state, to land state, to slopeslide state, and then jump all within a single subframe.
This means that in the case of a spiked slope, it’s possible to actually land on the spikes and jump back off before the game checks if the spikes should kill you. This is known as a “spikejump.”
Spikejumps normally require buffering the jump input and thus requires that you have used your aircharge, but with precise positioning it’s possible to spikejump even when you still have an aircharge by aligning yourself to land on the first subframe.
Similarly, dustblock slopes can be jumped off of before the game checks that you should collect them.
However, you will always collect the surface dust from a solid slope even if you jump off it immediately.
Tera Drop/Jump
A 1 tile wide gap with spikes on both sides is known as a Tera gap.
These have a 3 unit gap that the character can fit within without dying.
Can be jumped up between, or fallen through (known as a Tera Jump or Tera Drop respectively)
A gap with spikes only on 1 side is known as a Half-Tera
This is occasionally used in the Nexus, Tera Difficult and Yotta Difficult (and others?)
Attack Hitboxes
Click image to view full album on Imgur
ah_ = attack heavy
al_ = attack light
_f = front
_u = up
_b = back
_ah = aerial front
_au = aerial up
_ad = aerial down
_of = offset relative to bottom center of character
ah_f.left = 0; ah_f.right = 285; = -48; ah_f.bottom = 48; ah_f_of.x = -10; ah_f_of.y = -48; //DONE
ah_u.left = -70; ah_u.right = 70; = -230; ah_u.bottom = 0; ah_u_of.x = 60; ah_u_of.y = -50; //DONE
ah_d.left = -70; ah_d.right = 70; = 0; ah_d.bottom = 225; ah_d_of.x = 70; ah_d_of.y = -220; //DONE
ah_af.left = 0; ah_af.right = 285; = -48; ah_af.bottom = 48; ah_af_of.x = -10; ah_af_of.y = -48; //DONE
ah_au.left = -75; ah_au.right = 75; = -205; ah_au.bottom = 0; ah_au_of.x = 65; ah_au_of.y = -70; //DONE
ah_ad.left = -80; ah_ad.right = 80; = 0; ah_ad.bottom = 270; ah_ad_of.x = 80; ah_ad_of.y = -200; //DONE
al_f.left = 0; al_f.right = 170; = -65; al_f.bottom = 65; al_f_of.x = -10; al_f_of.y = -65; //DONE
al_u.left = -55; al_u.right = 55; = -170; al_u.bottom = 0; al_u_of.x = 45; al_u_of.y = -50; //DONE
al_d.left = -82; al_d.right = 82; = 0; al_d.bottom = 136; al_d_of.x = 74; al_d_of.y = -131; //DONE
al_af.left = 0; al_af.right = 170; = -65; al_af.bottom = 65; al_af_of.x = -10; al_af_of.y = -65; //DONE
al_au.left = -55; al_au.right = 55; = -170; al_au.bottom = 0; al_au_of.x = 45; al_au_of.y = -50; //DONE
al_ad.left = -50; al_ad.right = 50; = 0; al_ad.bottom = 110; al_ad_of.x = 40; al_ad_of.y = -55; //done
dm.ah_f.left = 0; dm.ah_f.right = 285; = -60;
dm.ah_f.bottom = 60; dm.ah_f_of.x = -10; dm.ah_f_of.y = -60; //DONE
dm.ah_u.left = -70; dm.ah_u.right = 70; = -205;
dm.ah_u.bottom = 0; dm.ah_u_of.x = 70; dm.ah_u_of.y = -80; //DONE
dm.ah_d.left = -80; dm.ah_d.right = 80; = 0;dm.ah_d.bottom = 225;dm.ah_d_of.x = 70;dm.ah_d_of.y = -220; //DONE
dm.ah_af.left = 0;dm.ah_af.right = 285; = -60;dm.ah_af.bottom = 60;dm.ah_af_of.x = -10;dm.ah_af_of.y = -60; //
dm.ah_au.left = -70;dm.ah_au.right = 70; = -205;dm.ah_au.bottom = 0;dm.ah_au_of.x = 70;dm.ah_au_of.y = -80; //
dm.ah_ad.left = -80;dm.ah_ad.right = 80; = 0;dm.ah_ad.bottom = 270;dm.ah_ad_of.x = 80;dm.ah_ad_of.y = -200; //DONE
dm.al_f.left = 0; dm.al_f.right = 170; = -50; dm.al_f.bottom = 50; dm.al_f_of.x = -10; dm.al_f_of.y = -50; //DONE
dm.al_u.left = -60; dm.al_u.right = 60; = -150; dm.al_u.bottom = 0; dm.al_u_of.x = 45; dm.al_u_of.y = -60; //DONE
dm.al_d.left = -82; dm.al_d.right = 82; = 0; dm.al_d.bottom = 136; dm.al_d_of.x = 74; dm.al_d_of.y = -131; //DONE
dm.al_af.left = 0; dm.al_af.right = 170; = -50; dm.al_af.bottom = 50; dm.al_af_of.x = -10; dm.al_af_of.y = -50; //DONE
dm.al_au.left = -60; dm.al_au.right = 60; = -150; dm.al_au.bottom = 0; dm.al_au_of.x = 45; dm.al_au_of.y = -60; //DONe
dm.al_ad.left = -55; dm.al_ad.right = 55; = 0; dm.al_ad.bottom = 120; dm.al_ad_of.x = 32; dm.al_ad_of.y = -65; //DONE
dm.ah_f.left = 0;dm.ah_f.right = 195; = -55;dm.ah_f.bottom = 55;dm.ah_f_of.x = -10;dm.ah_f_of.y = -55; //DONE
dm.ah_u.left = -60;dm.ah_u.right = 60; = -195;dm.ah_u.bottom = 0;dm.ah_u_of.x = 40;dm.ah_u_of.y = -30; //DONE
dm.ah_d.left = -65;dm.ah_d.right = 65; = 0;dm.ah_d.bottom = 185;dm.ah_d_of.x = 57;dm.ah_d_of.y = -180; //DONE
dm.ah_af.left = 0;dm.ah_af.right = 195; = -55;dm.ah_af.bottom = 55;dm.ah_af_of.x = -10;dm.ah_af_of.y = -55; //
dm.ah_au.left = -60;dm.ah_au.right = 60; = -195;dm.ah_au.bottom = 0;dm.ah_au_of.x = 40;dm.ah_au_of.y = -30; //
dm.ah_ad.left = -65;dm.ah_ad.right = 65; = 0;dm.ah_ad.bottom = 185;dm.ah_ad_of.x = 57;dm.ah_ad_of.y = -180; //
dm.al_f.left = 0; dm.al_f.right = 150; = -45; dm.al_f.bottom = 45; dm.al_f_of.x = -10; dm.al_f_of.y = -45; //DONE
dm.al_u.left = -50; dm.al_u.right = 50; = -130; dm.al_u.bottom = 0; dm.al_u_of.x = 40; dm.al_u_of.y = -60; //DONE
dm.al_d.left = -75; dm.al_d.right = 75; = 0; dm.al_d.bottom = 126; dm.al_d_of.x = 55; dm.al_d_of.y = -121; //DONE
dm.al_af.left = 0; dm.al_af.right = 150; = -45; dm.al_af.bottom = 45; dm.al_af_of.x = -10; dm.al_af_of.y = -45; //DONE
dm.al_au.left = -50; dm.al_au.right = 50; = -130; dm.al_au.bottom = 0; dm.al_au_of.x = 40; dm.al_au_of.y = -60; //DONE
dm.al_ad.left = -75; dm.al_ad.right = 75; = 0; dm.al_ad.bottom = 135; dm.al_ad_of.x = 55; dm.al_ad_of.y = -121; //DONE
dm.ah_f.left = 0;dm.ah_f.right = 295; = -70;dm.ah_f.bottom = 70;dm.ah_f_of.x = -10;dm.ah_f_of.y = -70; //DONE
dm.ah_u.left = -80;dm.ah_u.right = 80; = -230;dm.ah_u.bottom = 0;dm.ah_u_of.x = 80;dm.ah_u_of.y = -70; //DONE
dm.ah_d.left = -110;dm.ah_d.right = 110; = 0;dm.ah_d.bottom = 165;dm.ah_d_of.x = 100;dm.ah_d_of.y = -130; //DONE
dm.ah_af.left = 0;dm.ah_af.right = 295; = -70;dm.ah_af.bottom = 70;dm.ah_af_of.x = -10;dm.ah_af_of.y = -70; //DONE
dm.ah_au.left = -85;dm.ah_au.right = 85; = -230;dm.ah_au.bottom = 0;dm.ah_au_of.x = 75;dm.ah_au_of.y = -70; //DONE
dm.ah_ad.left = -80;dm.ah_ad.right = 80; = 0;dm.ah_ad.bottom = 200;dm.ah_ad_of.x = 60;dm.ah_ad_of.y = -100; //
dm.al_f.left = 0; dm.al_f.right = 235; = -70; dm.al_f.bottom = 70; dm.al_f_of.x = -10; dm.al_f_of.y = -70; //DONE
dm.al_u.left = -75; dm.al_u.right = 75; = -200; dm.al_u.bottom = 0; dm.al_u_of.x = 50; dm.al_u_of.y = -70; //
dm.al_d.left = -100; dm.al_d.right = 100; = 0; dm.al_d.bottom = 120; dm.al_d_of.x = 90; dm.al_d_of.y = -111; //DONE
dm.al_af.left = 0; dm.al_af.right = 235; = -70; dm.al_af.bottom = 70; dm.al_af_of.x = -10; dm.al_af_of.y = -70; //DONE
dm.al_au.left = -75; dm.al_au.right = 75; = -200; dm.al_au.bottom = 0; dm.al_au_of.x = 50; dm.al_au_of.y = -70; //
dm.al_ad.left = -70; dm.al_ad.right = 70; = 0; dm.al_ad.bottom = 160; dm.al_ad_of.x = 30; dm.al_ad_of.y = -111; //
Code source: (pinned in #tasforce on Discord server)
Bad State Transitions
Some errors in state transition logic mean that state transition checks can be run for states that the player has already transitioned out of, allowing for a variety of abusable effects:
Itay Dash and Taildash
When simultaneously pressing dash
from slope_slide
state, slope_slide
transitions to jump
and then to dash
despite already having transitioned to jump
state, resulting in a horizontal airdash from the slope despite normally not being able to airdash for the first five frames after jumping.
This is known as an “Itay Dash,” and is used rarely during some nexus movement.
However, when transitioning from idle
or skid
state then simultaneously pressing down
, we can enter slope_slide
and get the instant airdash, followed by a second bad state transition from idle
or skid
to hover
state, which in turn can downdash, giving us an instantaneous downhill speed boost.
This is referred to as a “taildash,” and is useful for rapidly getting a modest slopeboost.
When in slope_slide
state, pressing dash
simultaneously results in both occuring and then immediately cancelling each other, putting the player into idle
state which then immediately can transition to slope_slide
or run
depending on direction input.
This is referred to as “slopesurfing” and has a variety of applications.
By pressing down
, one can get to dash speed and immediately resume slopesliding and accelerating. This generally isn’t as useful as a taildash, but can be performed in many situations where a taildash isn’t immediately possible. Alternately, when accelerating downhill, the nature of the bad state transitions also results in you accelerating very slightly faster (one subframe gets double the acceleration, so since you can only input every other frame, results in 10% faster acceleration overall).
Lastly, this “consumes” the grounded dash input but still sends a downdash input, which will be used if slide off the bottom of the slope later this frame.
By pressing (left
, one can dash, then go into idle
state followed by run
, then we can release forward and enter skid
next frame, enabling Taildashing and Raiserunning (see below).
Lastly, by pressing no directions when pressing dash
, we can enter idle
state, which we can transition into run
next frame.
That transition to run converts all our speed into movement in the appropriate direction, allowing us to almost instantly reverse a speed boost with comparatively little speed loss.
When going from skid
to slope_slide
to jump
(via slopejumping) in one subframe, a bad state transition occurs where the skid logic notices that you have become airborne and, assuming that you’ve skidded off an upward slope, puts you into state raise
Unlike jump
state, raise
state has no restrictions on jumping, dashing, or most importantly, grabbing walls.
This allows us to transfer all the speed of the wallboost we get, usually close to or even higher than the character’s initial jump speed, into a wallrun, which decelerates much more slowly than a jump would.
By dashing into a wall at a less than 90 degree angle (e.g. from a slope into a flat wall), a collision occurs, generally reducing your speed to 80% or 50% what it was before and aligning your velocity with the wall.
However, if you’re not pressing toward the wall, you don’t enter wall grab state and instead remain in dash state, which means your (admittedly reduced) speed stays locked in either for the remainder of the dash or until a wallgrab is started, at which point the player can begin a wallrun as normal.
In the cases where this conversion results in a favorable speed up the wall, this functionally adds some frictionless time to the start of the wallrun.
Notably, while in dash
state the player will not collect surface dust or break wall dustblocks, and if the wall changes angle again another collision will occur while the player would seamlessly change directions while wallrunning.
Since the most common state which allows for Updashing (a slope next to a vertical wall) also allows for Raiserunning, it’s often necessary to weigh the two options against each other and determine which produces the most favorable result.
Character States
Your movement abilities generally correspond to a state that you will be put into that lasts for some duration.
These states, and the transitions between states are what makes up a large portion of the movement techniques seen within the TAS.
Dustforce accepts inputs at 60 fps. However, for the player physics, steps are done at a rate of 5 per frame, we count each of these physics steps as 1 “subframe”.
States may not last a “clean” whole frame number, and instead might end on a subframe instead.
Inputs are only registered on a full-frame basis, but manipulating our inputs so that a specific event occurs at a specific subframe is still often possible.
Entity Hitboxes
left right top bottom (unit displacement from sprite center)
-24 24 -96 0
-24 24 -24 24
-40 40 -40 40
-60 60 -60 60
-24 24 -24 24
-50 50 -130 0
-48 48 -48 0
-24 24 -48 0
-24 24 -48 0
-48 48 -96 0
-40 40 -24 24
-24 24 -24 24
-24 24 -96 0
-40 40 -24 24
-24 24 -48 0
-25 25 -96 0
-24 24 -48 0
-48 48 -48 0
-48 48 -48 0
-24 24 -24 24
-24 24 -24 24
-24 24 -48 0
-24 24 -24 24
-50 50 -130 0
-36 36 -96 0
-24 24 -24 24
-24 24 -24 24
-24 24 -24 24
-50 50 -130 0
-24 24 -24 24
enemy_spring_ball (left)
-81 1 -38 33
enemy_spring_ball (right)
-1 81 -33 38
enemy_spring_ball (up)
-33 38 -81 1
enemy_spring_ball (down)
-38 33 -1 81
source: (posted in #tasforce by Zaandaa)
Facegrinding / Toegrinding
During the first 10 frames of jump state or during an attack, the player cannot grab walls.
If the player is adjacent to a wall during this time and presses toward the wall, the mechanics for speed conversion upon hitting a surface will be run every subframe, causing the character to lose a significant amount of vertical speed per frame, and when this property was discovered it was called “facegrinding” (particularly when travelling upward) because of the harsh speed loss.
This is usually a situation to be avoided, though occasionally it’s necessary to slow the character down so that we have an opportunity to grab a wall before the character passes it completely
Named after the player who discovered it, there’s a small oversight with edges of spiked platforms which allows for 1 “pixel” of leniency where you can stand on the platform without the spikes killing you.
This “Jorf” pixel is extremely handy for quick platforming, as you essentially have another platform to utilize to jump, regain aircharges, or even get a boost (often called Jorfboosting).
This applies to ceilings, floors and walls, regardless if they are sloped or flat. Slanted and sloped jorfs are especially noteworthy, as the window of leniency is significantly wider due to the angle of the ground and, with a downhill angle, can be particularly effective for generating boosts.
Due to a separate oversight, the lower left corner of your character does not detect spikes on walls at all, so there is a much larger window of safety near the top right of spiked walls.
Despite the difference in cause and size, these are still often mistakenly known as “Walljorfs,” with Jorfs on other corners of walls sometimes being referred to as “true walljorfs” or similar.
Because of their great size (a full tile, rather than only one pixel) they can much more easily be used to walljump or wallcancel, and they allow for a brief wallrun as well.
Playable Characters

522Dash Speed
23Hover Frames
25Fulljump Frames
15Shorthop frames
1Air Charges
Dustman and Dustgirl both have the highest terminal Velocity, so they are able to get faster slopeboosts than Dustkid or Dustworth.
Has slightly more favorable (a 0.7% difference) ground friction compared to Dustgirl.
Has the best Mapler Slides, as his neutral ceiling run is frictionless for 15 frames, the rest of the characters only have 10.
This is only the case for “regular” Dustman, the virtual-Dustman does not have this benefit. This is due to an extra frame of animation for the ceiling grab only in the files of regular dustman.

522Dash Speed
21Hover Frames
25Fulljump Frames
15Shorthop frames
1Air Charges
In comparison to Dustman, generally has less advantageous hitboxes on her light attacks, but more useful heavy attacks.
Her heavy attack hitboxes are slightly wider than Dustman’s, which is useful in several places. See Attack Hitboxes.
Accelerates faster than Dustman when falling without downdashing.
This means she gets a bit less distance out of her jumps, but when levels start with the character falling, she reaches terminal velocity slightly sooner than Dustman, giving her a headstart of about 2 frames.
Is located second, rather than first, in the character select, which can save 2 frames switching to/from the characters further right in the list.
Since she and Dustman generally play very similarly, there are several levels where this is actually the deciding factor for character choice.
In comparison to Dustman, she has higher ground friction, so keeping speed with perfect dash rhythm is more important. This is particularly seen in dash rhythm Atlas maps such as How Do I Boost.

522Dash Speed
27Hover Frames
20Fulljump Frames
12Shorthop frames
2Air Charges
Has 2 maximum air charges and restores both upon cleaning an enemy in midair, all other characters have only 1.
Due to a programming error, she only starts a level with 1 air charge if the start position is located in the air. The extra aircharge can be used on additional dashes allowing her to lock her speed for longer than other characters over long aerial distances.
Smaller jump height, somewhat mitigated by having a triple jump as opposed to a double jump, but is still generally a weakness.
Smaller attack hitboxes, but extremely fast attack speed.
Least used character in the TAS, although TAS allows her niche strengths to be more strongly taken advantage of.

495Dash Speed
25Hover Frames
29Fulljump Frames
18Shorthop frames
13Light Frontswing F
20Heavy Frontswing F
29Light Total F
48Heavy Total F
1843Terminal Velocity
50Terminal Velocity F
25Terminal V Downdash F
1Air Charges
Largest jump height
Large attack hitboxes with a slow attack speed
Dash speed is not also Maximum Run speed like is the case for other characters, he must spend 11~ frames accelerating after a dash finishes to fully accelerate from a stop.
Most used character in the TAS, since his high jumps and large attacks are extremely useful.
Climbing is generally the slowest movement we have to do, and Dustworth climbs the fastest.
1960Layer 14
8Layer 15
728Layer 16
27462Layer 17
3533Layer 19
160Covered Tiles
162Filthy Surfaces
0Spiked Surfaces
0Enemy Dust
162Total Dust
1023Layer 16
22901Layer 17
2234Layer 19
38Covered Tiles
38Filthy Surfaces
0Spiked Surfaces
47Enemy Dust
85Total Dust
21617Layer 6
31979Layer 8
22144Layer 10
931Layer 16
2453Layer 19
80Covered Tiles
80Filthy Surfaces
0Spiked Surfaces
5Enemy Dust
85Total Dust
4010Layer 6
10414Layer 8
25372Layer 11
1709Layer 12
4721Layer 13
92Layer 16
17744Layer 19
114Covered Tiles
94Filthy Surfaces
22Spiked Surfaces
15Enemy Dust
109Total Dust
16759Layer 11
1746Layer 16
3Layer 17
22025Layer 19
11012Layer 20
124Covered Tiles
124Filthy Surfaces
0Spiked Surfaces
15Enemy Dust
139Total Dust
11458Layer 11
1046Layer 13
1763Layer 16
12092Layer 19
18Layer 20
25Covered Tiles
25Filthy Surfaces
0Spiked Surfaces
21Enemy Dust
46Total Dust
1296Layer 7
2040Layer 11
161Layer 12
1824Layer 16
27137Layer 19
15053Layer 20
94Covered Tiles
94Filthy Surfaces
0Spiked Surfaces
21Enemy Dust
115Total Dust
8874Layer 8
16400Layer 10
8101Layer 12
4603Layer 13
1170Layer 15
358Layer 17
30773Layer 19
341Covered Tiles
126Filthy Surfaces
217Spiked Surfaces
26Enemy Dust
156Total Dust
638Layer 7
2378Layer 8
5004Layer 11
180Layer 13
12Layer 14
98Layer 15
3013Layer 16
19606Layer 19
205Covered Tiles
205Filthy Surfaces
0Spiked Surfaces
56Enemy Dust
275Total Dust
26139Layer 9
4704Layer 10
20190Layer 11
407Layer 16
23725Layer 19
15310Layer 20
202Covered Tiles
202Filthy Surfaces
0Spiked Surfaces
18Enemy Dust
220Total Dust
11Layer 8
12144Layer 11
14657Layer 12
22Layer 15
6Layer 17
21168Layer 19
387Covered Tiles
196Filthy Surfaces
198Spiked Surfaces
35Enemy Dust
231Total Dust
4913Layer 8
12155Layer 11
36Layer 15
2119Layer 16
36684Layer 19
156Covered Tiles
82Filthy Surfaces
75Spiked Surfaces
60Enemy Dust
142Total Dust
413Layer 9
888Layer 10
554Layer 11
184Layer 14
338Layer 15
1197Layer 16
17767Layer 19
174Covered Tiles
142Filthy Surfaces
32Spiked Surfaces
18Enemy Dust
160Total Dust
10346Layer 8
10581Layer 12
1792Layer 13
12487Layer 19
241Covered Tiles
187Filthy Surfaces
54Spiked Surfaces
38Enemy Dust
225Total Dust
10982Layer 6
12336Layer 8
2135Layer 9
3636Layer 10
9462Layer 11
88Layer 14
8Layer 15
19023Layer 19
184Covered Tiles
144Filthy Surfaces
40Spiked Surfaces
54Enemy Dust
198Total Dust
8474Layer 11
110Layer 13
221Layer 14
208Layer 15
278Layer 17
22557Layer 19
10Covered Tiles
10Filthy Surfaces
0Spiked Surfaces
57Enemy Dust
67Total Dust
4661Layer 8
22576Layer 9
3507Layer 10
4790Layer 11
3858Layer 14
55Layer 15
7698Layer 16
33354Layer 19
486Covered Tiles
180Filthy Surfaces
340Spiked Surfaces
60Enemy Dust
346Total Dust
183Layer 10
1502Layer 11
206Layer 14
24Layer 15
1148Layer 16
5999Layer 19
260Covered Tiles
58Filthy Surfaces
217Spiked Surfaces
24Enemy Dust
82Total Dust
2726Layer 11
2157Layer 16
8866Layer 19
905Covered Tiles
146Filthy Surfaces
940Spiked Surfaces
48Enemy Dust
201Total Dust
1292Layer 9
1073Layer 11
659Layer 12
185Layer 14
336Layer 15
430Layer 16
938Layer 19
9Layer 20
55Covered Tiles
55Filthy Surfaces
0Spiked Surfaces
15Enemy Dust
70Total Dust
5Gargoyle, Small
28710Layer 8
1629Layer 11
903Layer 15
787Layer 16
42Layer 17
22019Layer 19
105Covered Tiles
107Filthy Surfaces
0Spiked Surfaces
21Enemy Dust
134Total Dust
7Gargoyle, Small
18255Layer 16
326Layer 17
2021Layer 19
164Covered Tiles
164Filthy Surfaces
0Spiked Surfaces
15Enemy Dust
179Total Dust
5Gargoyle, Small
2865Layer 14
4769Layer 15
40Layer 16
2464Layer 19
94Covered Tiles
98Filthy Surfaces
0Spiked Surfaces
30Enemy Dust
128Total Dust
10Gargoyle, Small
25742Layer 6
487Layer 7
10436Layer 8
8006Layer 11
148Layer 12
239Layer 13
23Layer 14
344Layer 15
2631Layer 16
54Layer 17
36312Layer 19
418Layer 20
317Covered Tiles
294Filthy Surfaces
30Spiked Surfaces
65Enemy Dust
382Total Dust
4Gargoyle, Big
15Gargoyle, Small
23644Layer 6
4722Layer 8
8031Layer 11
178Layer 15
7858Layer 16
61008Layer 19
27Layer 20
352Covered Tiles
354Filthy Surfaces
0Spiked Surfaces
48Enemy Dust
429Total Dust
3Gargoyle, Big
5Gargoyle, Small
1472Layer 6
2296Layer 7
6059Layer 8
1267Layer 9
4428Layer 11
128Layer 12
8Layer 13
1381Layer 15
5171Layer 16
4Layer 17
19630Layer 19
270Covered Tiles
270Filthy Surfaces
0Spiked Surfaces
55Enemy Dust
409Total Dust
1Chest, Treasure
558Layer 6
703Layer 7
3566Layer 8
4300Layer 9
2191Layer 10
1768Layer 11
262Layer 12
111Layer 13
2013Layer 15
6046Layer 16
4Layer 17
41974Layer 19
812Layer 20
238Covered Tiles
239Filthy Surfaces
0Spiked Surfaces
28Enemy Dust
295Total Dust
9Gargoyle, Small
124436Layer 6
10671Layer 8
4136Layer 11
3390Layer 16
50791Layer 19
518Covered Tiles
259Filthy Surfaces
260Spiked Surfaces
27Enemy Dust
286Total Dust
6Gargoyle, Small
22361Layer 11
407Layer 12
4508Layer 13
527Layer 14
845Layer 16
20898Layer 19
203Covered Tiles
185Filthy Surfaces
18Spiked Surfaces
144Enemy Dust
329Total Dust
6Chest, Treasure
7Gargoyle, Small
397Layer 9
245Layer 10
201Layer 11
45Layer 12
219Layer 15
99Layer 16
1859Layer 17
956Layer 19
22Covered Tiles
22Filthy Surfaces
0Spiked Surfaces
55Enemy Dust
77Total Dust
2Chest, Scrolls
2Gargoyle, Big
42Layer 9
2456Layer 10
7532Layer 11
2954Layer 12
711Layer 13
66Layer 15
5379Layer 16
8434Layer 19
311Layer 20
235Covered Tiles
239Filthy Surfaces
0Spiked Surfaces
89Enemy Dust
328Total Dust
9Gargoyle, Big
10Gargoyle, Small
1339Layer 11
18Layer 12
39Layer 15
4421Layer 16
3473Layer 19
431Covered Tiles
238Filthy Surfaces
233Spiked Surfaces
27Enemy Dust
289Total Dust
3Gargoyle, Small
356Layer 6
138Layer 7
1645Layer 8
1173Layer 9
688Layer 10
1486Layer 11
79Layer 14
54Layer 15
478Layer 16
4747Layer 19
149Covered Tiles
83Filthy Surfaces
77Spiked Surfaces
14Enemy Dust
97Total Dust
4Gargoyle, Small
4301Layer 8
2833Layer 11
4761Layer 16
127Layer 17
975Layer 19
162Covered Tiles
168Filthy Surfaces
0Spiked Surfaces
5Enemy Dust
173Total Dust
556Layer 15
1066Layer 16
1211Layer 19
179Covered Tiles
70Filthy Surfaces
113Spiked Surfaces
108Enemy Dust
194Total Dust
36Gargoyle, Small
22Layer 6
94Layer 13
695Layer 14
87Layer 15
341Layer 16
5638Layer 19
283Layer 20
11Covered Tiles
11Filthy Surfaces
0Spiked Surfaces
42Enemy Dust
53Total Dust
14Ball, Trash
13381Layer 8
5057Layer 11
358Layer 12
593Layer 14
1Layer 15
2925Layer 16
163Layer 17
33504Layer 19
1039Layer 20
0Covered Tiles
0Filthy Surfaces
0Spiked Surfaces
42Enemy Dust
1317Total Dust
14Ball, Trash
54Layer 13
171Layer 14
87Layer 15
418Layer 16
395Layer 17
7823Layer 19
1355Layer 20
115Covered Tiles
121Filthy Surfaces
0Spiked Surfaces
3Enemy Dust
124Total Dust
1Ball, Trash
553Layer 9
428Layer 10
854Layer 11
141Layer 15
708Layer 16
430Layer 17
1057Layer 19
7874Layer 20
104Covered Tiles
105Filthy Surfaces
0Spiked Surfaces
21Enemy Dust
126Total Dust
7Ball, Trash
3985Layer 6
534Layer 7
134Layer 8
2218Layer 9
2213Layer 11
2979Layer 12
15Layer 13
516Layer 14
2741Layer 15
83Layer 16
5298Layer 17
11083Layer 19
6848Layer 20
180Covered Tiles
163Filthy Surfaces
17Spiked Surfaces
21Enemy Dust
241Total Dust
6Ball, Trash
1116Layer 7
6Layer 8
182Layer 9
6643Layer 11
14318Layer 19
116Covered Tiles
140Filthy Surfaces
0Spiked Surfaces
3Enemy Dust
143Total Dust
1Ball, Trash
1264Layer 9
408Layer 10
626Layer 11
3717Layer 15
2891Layer 16
1Layer 17
2406Layer 19
202Covered Tiles
202Filthy Surfaces
0Spiked Surfaces
63Enemy Dust
265Total Dust
21Ball, Trash
12600Layer 8
759Layer 11
50Layer 12
635Layer 13
150Layer 15
913Layer 16
9723Layer 19
183Covered Tiles
183Filthy Surfaces
0Spiked Surfaces
42Enemy Dust
283Total Dust
1Can, Trash
1Beast, Trash
8Ball, Trash
68684Layer 6
500Layer 8
573Layer 9
12741Layer 10
1086Layer 11
2796Layer 12
6Layer 14
54Layer 15
76Layer 16
229Layer 17
20843Layer 19
266Covered Tiles
259Filthy Surfaces
7Spiked Surfaces
39Enemy Dust
390Total Dust
1Beast, Trash
10Ball, Trash
21621Layer 11
1190Layer 12
56Layer 14
16076Layer 19
244Covered Tiles
139Filthy Surfaces
108Spiked Surfaces
45Enemy Dust
228Total Dust
2Beast, Trash
9Ball, Trash
56Layer 11
2527Layer 16
2366Layer 19
200Covered Tiles
178Filthy Surfaces
33Spiked Surfaces
30Enemy Dust
216Total Dust
1Beast, Trash
7Ball, Trash
820Layer 11
3580Layer 16
4536Layer 19
112Covered Tiles
93Filthy Surfaces
20Spiked Surfaces
30Enemy Dust
139Total Dust
2Can, Trash
1Beast, Trash
1Ball, Trash
58760Layer 12
38Layer 13
18055Layer 15
1407Layer 19
223Covered Tiles
42Filthy Surfaces
186Spiked Surfaces
33Enemy Dust
143Total Dust
11Ball, Trash
4076Layer 6
7020Layer 7
2203Layer 8
1813Layer 11
3324Layer 16
23042Layer 19
4189Layer 20
435Covered Tiles
216Filthy Surfaces
257Spiked Surfaces
90Enemy Dust
330Total Dust
4Can, Trash
1Beast, Trash
15Ball, Trash
2334Layer 9
263Layer 11
250Layer 16
1386Layer 19
45Covered Tiles
46Filthy Surfaces
0Spiked Surfaces
75Enemy Dust
121Total Dust
3Can, Trash
3Beast, Trash
3Ball, Trash
38829Layer 6
16075Layer 9
202Layer 14
1380Layer 15
1111Layer 16
20048Layer 19
812Covered Tiles
63Filthy Surfaces
832Spiked Surfaces
18Enemy Dust
89Total Dust
2Beast, Trash
6737Layer 10
4455Layer 11
81Layer 14
820Layer 16
1449Layer 19
14589Layer 20
118Covered Tiles
122Filthy Surfaces
0Spiked Surfaces
15Enemy Dust
137Total Dust
5Ball, Slime
17348Layer 8
813Layer 9
731Layer 10
635Layer 11
2626Layer 15
20876Layer 16
1422Layer 19
104Covered Tiles
105Filthy Surfaces
0Spiked Surfaces
15Enemy Dust
125Total Dust
5Ball, Slime
4Layer 6
4847Layer 16
729Layer 17
30022Layer 19
1681Layer 20
132Covered Tiles
134Filthy Surfaces
0Spiked Surfaces
24Enemy Dust
158Total Dust
8Ball, Slime
828Layer 16
1414Layer 19
191Covered Tiles
191Filthy Surfaces
0Spiked Surfaces
3Enemy Dust
194Total Dust
1Ball, Slime
41287Layer 11
1364Layer 12
1556Layer 14
4662Layer 16
80117Layer 19
26276Layer 20
254Covered Tiles
254Filthy Surfaces
0Spiked Surfaces
75Enemy Dust
567Total Dust
3Ball, Spring
4Barrel, Slime
1Beast, Slime
13Ball, Slime
32384Layer 8
1249Layer 10
260Layer 11
1618Layer 15
274Layer 16
2805Layer 19
36127Layer 20
407Covered Tiles
168Filthy Surfaces
239Spiked Surfaces
27Enemy Dust
288Total Dust
2Beast, Slime
3Ball, Slime
8766Layer 12
5366Layer 13
2435Layer 14
3037Layer 19
15358Layer 20
146Covered Tiles
146Filthy Surfaces
0Spiked Surfaces
96Enemy Dust
248Total Dust
1Barrel, Slime
3Beast, Slime
22Ball, Slime
61473Layer 6
11248Layer 7
7068Layer 10
2833Layer 16
17648Layer 19
48Layer 20
311Covered Tiles
301Filthy Surfaces
12Spiked Surfaces
72Enemy Dust
373Total Dust
3Ball, Spring
2Barrel, Slime
3Beast, Slime
8Ball, Slime
136456Layer 6
3269Layer 8
3504Layer 11
21Layer 13
4191Layer 16
6315Layer 17
4079Layer 19
38349Layer 20
589Covered Tiles
230Filthy Surfaces
362Spiked Surfaces
39Enemy Dust
290Total Dust
13Ball, Slime
214Layer 8
1148Layer 11
640Layer 12
418Layer 13
179Layer 16
400Layer 19
7937Layer 20
24Covered Tiles
24Filthy Surfaces
0Spiked Surfaces
92Enemy Dust
116Total Dust
4Ball, Spring
6Barrel, Slime
4Beast, Slime
6Ball, Slime
10634Layer 6
860Layer 11
2289Layer 16
14604Layer 19
336Covered Tiles
152Filthy Surfaces
187Spiked Surfaces
39Enemy Dust
191Total Dust
2Beast, Slime
7Ball, Slime
4891Layer 6
3512Layer 7
1426Layer 16
16Layer 17
19141Layer 19
197Covered Tiles
199Filthy Surfaces
0Spiked Surfaces
24Enemy Dust
223Total Dust
3Ball, Spring
3Ball, Slime
16406Layer 6
1292Layer 7
3525Layer 11
119Layer 12
1654Layer 16
4814Layer 19
20072Layer 20
787Covered Tiles
85Filthy Surfaces
724Spiked Surfaces
104Enemy Dust
271Total Dust
4Ball, Spring
2Barrel, Slime
2Beast, Slime
20Ball, Slime
15523Layer 6
3966Layer 8
25519Layer 10
6707Layer 12
82Layer 13
50Layer 14
4627Layer 15
255Layer 16
2033Layer 17
5394Layer 19
915Covered Tiles
221Filthy Surfaces
710Spiked Surfaces
66Enemy Dust
287Total Dust
22Ball, Slime
63906Layer 6
5402Layer 8
5677Layer 9
1198Layer 12
648Layer 13
304Layer 15
4019Layer 16
41868Layer 19
276Covered Tiles
84Filthy Surfaces
202Spiked Surfaces
75Enemy Dust
273Total Dust
3Beast, Slime
16Ball, Slime
163480Layer 6
1630Layer 7
2472Layer 8
131Layer 9
6202Layer 10
1168Layer 11
1196Layer 13
408Layer 14
38Layer 15
4118Layer 16
489Layer 17
7150Layer 19
508Covered Tiles
197Filthy Surfaces
319Spiked Surfaces
84Enemy Dust
335Total Dust
3Ball, Spring
2Beast, Slime
17Ball, Slime
1204Layer 6
588Layer 8
886Layer 14
1116Layer 16
717Layer 19
517Covered Tiles
27Filthy Surfaces
915Spiked Surfaces
14Enemy Dust
76Total Dust
3827Layer 6
5473Layer 7
3121Layer 8
395Layer 11
419Layer 16
1158Layer 19
960Covered Tiles
66Filthy Surfaces
921Spiked Surfaces
35Enemy Dust
172Total Dust
940Layer 6
1557Layer 8
1488Layer 11
1402Layer 19
792Covered Tiles
90Filthy Surfaces
1002Spiked Surfaces
37Enemy Dust
189Total Dust
32909Layer 6
1081Layer 8
30228Layer 10
112Layer 13
738Layer 14
1478Layer 16
26011Layer 19
684Covered Tiles
3Filthy Surfaces
984Spiked Surfaces
32Enemy Dust
178Total Dust
1977Layer 11
17555Layer 16
541Layer 19
275Covered Tiles
0Filthy Surfaces
320Spiked Surfaces
6Enemy Dust
121Total Dust
485Layer 10
466Layer 11
379Layer 16
389Layer 19
328Covered Tiles
0Filthy Surfaces
667Spiked Surfaces
44Enemy Dust
62Total Dust
13050Layer 8
4407Layer 16
2194Layer 19
834Covered Tiles
193Filthy Surfaces
660Spiked Surfaces
10Enemy Dust
354Total Dust
68448Layer 6
780Layer 14
5567Layer 16
5117Layer 19
2733Covered Tiles
211Filthy Surfaces
2999Spiked Surfaces
135Enemy Dust
578Total Dust

Can attack and break your combo
Attacks when entering field of view
Can be given a path in the editor
Paths 'attached' to the ground
Attacks do not move it
Can be placed in the editor
Health: 9
Attacks with a single hitbox in the direction it is facing.
Forest variant of the Golem style enemy.

Can't hurt
Can be given a path in the editor
Movable with attacks
Can be placed in the editor
Health: 3
Forest variant of the Small Gargoyle
Commonly referred to as a Turkey.

Can attack and break your combo
Attacks when entering field of view
Does not change behavior when attacked (excluding hitstun)
Can be given a path in the editor
Considers ground as walls when pathing
Movable with attacks
Not in the editor entity list
Health: 3
A mostly complete entity present in the game files that was not used in the completed game.
Despite not being able to place it from the level editor in vanilla Dustforce, Dustmod will list it.
When it initiates an attack, the hawk will be attracted towards your mouse cursor. This may cause desyncs if you are not using Dustmod, as the standard replay format does not record mouse position.

Can attack and break your combo
Attacks when entering field of view
Spawns additional enemies that will hurt you
Shoots spike
Can be given a path in the editor
Paths 'attached' to the ground
Can be placed in the editor
Health: 1
Attacks by spawning three quills, directed forward and diagonally forward from the surface it is on.
Behaves strangely when not on a surface. If placed in the air, it will remain static and unable to attack. If it is removed from a surface while moving, bugs may occur as seen in 4 Lexie

Can attack and break your combo
Spawned by porcupine
Movable with attacks
Not in the editor entity list
Unkillable via conventional means
Can be hit and redirected by entities on the opposing “team” to the previous owner. The entity that hits it becomes the new owner. Once redirected by the player with an attack, it can hit other enemies for 100 (!) damage, as demonstrated in top Wild Den replays.
This can also be used for quill passing as seen in Redirection
Commonly referred to as a Quill.

Can attack and break your combo
Attacks when entering field of view
Can be given a path in the editor
Paths 'attached' to the ground
Attacks do not move it
Can be placed in the editor
Health: 12
Attacks by falling on the enemy. Has an active hitbox as long as it is falling during its attack, which allows the player to farm super quickly as demonstrated in top Overgrown Temple Any% replays.
Can be lured outside of its path.
Commonly referred to as a Large Totem.

Can attack and break your combo
Attacks when entering field of view
Can be given a path in the editor
Paths 'attached' to the ground
Movable with attacks
Can be placed in the editor
Health: 3
Has an active hitbox as long as it is moving at a speed of 400 units per second or higher.
When grounded, it will accelerate up to its max speed at 16.666 u/s/s, unless it is perfectly motionless, then it will accelerate at 26.666 u/s/s for a single frame. Its ground speed is capped at 400 u/s.
When airborne, it will accelerate due to gravity at 16.666 u/s/s.
When colliding with a wall, it will perform an elastic collision, reflecting its speed vector according to the angle of the wall.
Can be lured outside of its path, but will return once aggro is lost.
Commonly referred to as a Small Totem.

Can attack and break your combo
Attacks when entering field of view
Can be given a path in the editor
Paths 'attached' to the ground
Movable with attacks
Can be placed in the editor
Health: 5
Its attack is performed by “lunging” at the player. Hitting them interrupts their attack.
When out of range to lunge, they will accelerate to a very high top speed until close enough to attack. If they are in mid-air at this point, they can still lunge while falling.
Commonly referred to as Fox or Wolf interchangeably.

Can attack and break your combo
Attacks when entering field of view
Can be given a path in the editor
Movable with attacks
Can be placed in the editor
Health: 3
Will fall to a fixed maximum distance, or until it makes contact with an enemy when attacking. It will then return to a point on its path before it can attack again.

Can't hurt
Can be given a path in the editor
Paths 'attached' to the ground
Can be placed in the editor
Health: 1
Similar to the enemy Maid, but has a faster movement speed, and a smaller hitbox.
Chest, Scrolls

Can attack and break your combo
Attacks when entering field of view
Spawns additional enemies that will hurt you
Shoots scrolls
Can not be given and/or will not obey a path
Movable with attacks
Can be placed in the editor
Health: 9
Spawns a single scroll when attacking.
Acts similarly to the Treasure Chest
Chest, Treasure

Can attack and break your combo
Attacks when entering field of view
Spawns additional enemies that will hurt you
Shoots treasure
Can not be given and/or will not obey a path
Movable with attacks
Can be placed in the editor
Health: 9
Spawns three random treasures when attacking.
Acts similarly to the Scroll Chest
Commonly referred to as a Gold Chest.

Can't hurt
Can not be given and/or will not obey a path
Attacks do not move it
Can be placed in the editor
Health: 5
Always spreads dust upwards when killed.
Its hitbox is much smaller than its sprite.
Gargoyle, Big

Can attack and break your combo
Attacks when entering field of view
Can be given a path in the editor
Paths 'attached' to the ground
Movable with attacks
Can be placed in the editor
Health: 5
Due to the long startup of their attack, can commonly cause “Ghost punches” to occur, where the attack hitbox becomes active after they have already died.
Commonly referred to as a Ground Gargoyle, or just Gargoyle.
Gargoyle, Small

Can't hurt
Can be given a path in the editor
Movable with attacks
Can be placed in the editor
Health: 3
Will deviate slightly from their path by bobbing up and down. This can lead to strategies that only work at certain points in their Bob cycle.
Commonly referred to as a Flying Gargoyle, or just Gargoyle.

Can attack and break your combo
Attacks when entering field of view
Can be given a path in the editor
Paths 'attached' to the ground
May block from some or all directions
Movable with attacks
Can be placed in the editor
Health: 9
Has a shield that blocks incoming attacks from the front when it is grounded. Attacking this shield does not give hitrise, but instead stalls the players vertical momentum. It also rewards double the combo progress of most attacks (2 combo per light, 6 combo per heavy).
When they see an enemy, they will try to move into a position a swords length away before attacking. This can be used to lure them away from their path as seen on this Ramparts replay.

Can't hurt
Can be given a path in the editor
Paths 'attached' to the ground
Can be placed in the editor
Health: 1
Similar to the enemy Butler, but has a slower movement speed, and a larger hitbox.

Can attack and break your combo
Attacks when entering field of view
Spawned by chest-scrolls
Can not be given and/or will not obey a path
Can be placed in the editor
Health: 1
Behaves like Treasure. Will stay idle at its spawn position until an enemy enters its radius, at which point it will fly in a straight line to the position the enemy was seen until it hits the enemy or a surface.
Can be prevented from firing or frozen mid-flight using a Super Cancel.

Can attack and break your combo
Attacks when entering field of view
Spawned by chest-treasure
Can not be given and/or will not obey a path
Can be placed in the editor
Health: 1
Behaves like Scrolls. Will stay idle at its spawn position until an enemy enters its radius, at which point it will fly in a straight line to the position the enemy was seen until it hits the enemy or a surface.
Can be prevented from firing or frozen mid-flight using a Super Cancel.
Bag, Trash

Can attack and break your combo
Attacks when entering field of view
Spawned by can-trash
Not in the editor entity list
Health: 1
Does not reward any combo when hit by a heavy attack, however it still returns any air charges. This can be abused to avoid starting the combo timer in maps such as Garbage Day.
Ball, Trash

Can't hurt
Can be given a path in the editor
Considers ground as walls when pathing
Movable with attacks
Can be placed in the editor
Health: 3
City variant of the Small Gargoyle
Commonly referred to as a Trash Turkey.
Beast, Trash

Can attack and break your combo
Attacks when entering field of view
Can be given a path in the editor
Paths 'attached' to the ground
Attacks do not move it
Can be placed in the editor
Health: 9
Attacks with a single large hitbox in the direction it is facing.
City variant of the Golem style enemy.
Commonly referred to as a Trash Golem.
Can, Trash

Can attack and break your combo
Attacks when entering field of view
Spawns additional enemies that will hurt you
Shoots bag-trash
Can not be given and/or will not obey a path
Movable with attacks
Can be placed in the editor
Health: 9
When attacking, it spawns three Trash bags in sequence before entering a cooldown period before it can attack again.
With good timing, a player can dash through it between the trash bags being fired without getting hit.

Can attack and break your combo
Attacks when entering field of view
Changes behavior on player attack
Can not be given and/or will not obey a path
Movable with attacks
Can be placed in the editor
Health: 3
This enemy bounces around like a rubber ball, preserving its momentum and redirecting its velocity when it hits a surface, or is hit by an attack. When dropped from a large height it can move much faster than the player. It has an active hitbox at all times.
Can be frozen using a Super Cancel.
Ball, Slime

Can't hurt
Can be given a path in the editor
Considers ground as walls when pathing
Movable with attacks
Can be placed in the editor
Health: 3
Lab variant of the Small Gargoyle
Commonly referred to as a Slime Blob.
Ball, Spring

Can attack and break your combo
Does not attack offensively
Changes behavior on player attack
Can not be given and/or will not obey a path
Attacks do not move it
Can be placed in the editor
Health: 5
While this enemy traditionally has 5 health, you can “snap the stem” by attacking away from the surface it is on, then in a perpendicular direction of the stretch in quick succession. This means it effectively only has 2 HP if you can use this technique properly. If not killed during the stretch, the blob will snap back and create a large hitbox.
During the recoil animation, they have some invulnerability frames where the player may attack them to build combo without dealing damage. This can be abused in maps such as Slime Invulnerability.
Commonly referred to as a Spring Blob, or a Rooted Slime Blob.
Barrel, Slime

Can attack and break your combo
Attacks when entering field of view
Can be given a path in the editor
Considers ground as walls when pathing
Movable with attacks
Can be placed in the editor
Health: 3
Attacks passively every 56 frames, unless interrupted by an attack.
Bobs on its path similarly to a Small Gargoyle.
Commonly referred to as a Paintcan.
Beast, Slime

Can attack and break your combo
Attacks when entering field of view
Can be given a path in the editor
Paths 'attached' to the ground
Attacks do not move it
Can be placed in the editor
Health: 9
Attacks with six small hitboxes travelling forward in the direction it’s facing.
Lab variant of the Golem style enemy.
Commonly referred to as a Slime Golem.

Can't hurt
Movable with attacks
Can be placed in the editor
Unkillable via conventional means

Can't hurt
Can not be given and/or will not obey a path
Attacks do not move it
Can be placed in the editor
Unkillable via conventional means
Behaves like solid blocks, and snaps to the tile grid. Cannot be removed unless its associated Key is killed.
Can be used to farm super.
Placing this in the map editor will spawn an associated key and will “select” the key, making any pathing nodes placed affect the key rather than the door.

Can't hurt
Can be given a path in the editor
Considers ground as walls when pathing
May block from some or all directions
Attacks do not move it
Can be placed in the editor
Health: 3
This enemy can only be destroyed by hitting it with a heavy attack.
Light attacks will reward 2 combo, but will not deal any damage, and will not grant any Hitrise. However, light attacks will stall the players vertical momentum, allowing them to hover while attacking repeatedly.
Supering this entity will reward only 1 combo.
Commonly referred to as a Heavy Prism.

Can't hurt
Can be given a path in the editor
Can be placed in the editor
Health: 1
When killed, will fly to its associated Door and unlock it, causing the door to open so that entities may pass through.
Bobs on its path similarly to a Small Gargoyle.

Can't hurt
Can be given a path in the editor
Considers ground as walls when pathing
Can be placed in the editor
Health: 1
A stationary floating enemy. Commonly used in precise air control maps as it is the only flying enemy that does not bob up and down.
Commonly referred to as a Light Prism.